#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Lab Tour Final v1.0 ## Skin ### Button Button_3B7B8D01_1E4B_A2DD_41AD_2F0023B308E6.label = Medical Sciences BSc Button_3D326B5E_1E36_A564_4196_D26A1C2F30FB.label = Biomedical Science BSc Button_3D39C97A_1E36_A52C_41B6_D4E3F74CDC51.label = Biology BSc Button_3D7B28C1_1E36_635D_419A_B1F3E9E47610.label = Forensic and Applied Biology BSc ### Label label4056.text = VR Laboratory Tour ## Media ### Description album_0C6001CE_1195_2BE0_41B1_C91798B15345_0.description = Detecting protein expression by western blotting album_0C6001CE_1195_2BE0_41B1_C91798B15345_1.description = Measuring amounts of green fluorescent protein album_0CBC58A8_116E_F9A0_4196_CF1526F080AE_0.description = Lipid accumulation in porcine liver album_0CBC58A8_116E_F9A0_4196_CF1526F080AE_1.description = Stages of mitosis album_0CBC58A8_116E_F9A0_4196_CF1526F080AE_2.description = Microplastics in blue mussels album_0CBC58A8_116E_F9A0_4196_CF1526F080AE_3.description = Gram Stained Bacteria ### Title album_0C6001CE_1195_2BE0_41B1_C91798B15345.label = Photo Album PXi 1 album_0C6001CE_1195_2BE0_41B1_C91798B15345_0.label = PXi 1 album_0C6001CE_1195_2BE0_41B1_C91798B15345_1.label = PXi 2 album_0CBC58A8_116E_F9A0_4196_CF1526F080AE.label = Photo Album Microscope album_0CBC58A8_116E_F9A0_4196_CF1526F080AE_0.label = Microscope album_0CBC58A8_116E_F9A0_4196_CF1526F080AE_1.label = Microscopy 2 album_0CBC58A8_116E_F9A0_4196_CF1526F080AE_2.label = Microscopy 3 album_0CBC58A8_116E_F9A0_4196_CF1526F080AE_3.label = Microscopy 4 panorama_01CDE19D_1193_6860_418E_C01A51B7F698.label = GS__0432 panorama_1791D287_1935_4671_41A6_600E90764D2C.label = Lab entry panorama_D9FA02AF_D32A_4B9B_41DE_42E0C32BC74E.label = Aisle 1b_mid 1 panorama_DA945145_D32B_C68F_41D4_6CF30137CD7E.label = Aisle 1c_end 2 panorama_DA9CE560_D32A_4E85_41E9_F1204E0DA79D.label = Aisle 2b_mid 1 panorama_DB643703_D668_7C94_41C2_734AEA9C4B5A.label = Aisle 2a_end 1 photo_0A7006D5_19ED_CF96_4198_39592472DF0C.label = qPCR photo_0AAE2190_0500_0EB5_4178_B7930D6DEDF4.label = Plate Reader photo_0CC427F2_19EF_CD93_4196_ED36A179B160.label = Gel Doc photo_0F679846_19ED_42F3_41B0_F4D11844C216.label = Colony Counter photo_E61F6E7F_F585_8DB5_41E2_2E44DDCA525B.label = Picture2 photo_E7A9D01C_F58B_757B_41E0_B9C8A42C4528.label = Thermal Cycler photo_E7F075CD_F58B_7ED5_41DC_B496D7930A40.label = SDS PAGE photo_FA3BBE3C_F58D_8DBB_41E0_AEF991F61F51.label = Spectrophotometer photo_FD6AD193_F00A_373F_41D2_0E113176686D.label = Picture1 ## Popup ### Body htmlText_0111678B_1197_E861_41A7_3A477BDBCAEA.html =
The qPCR machine can be used to:
• measure levels of gene expression, for example in response to drug treatment
measure environmental DNA in order to monitor the populations of organisms within the environment
perform melt curve analysis to determine the presence of different forms of a gene within different individuals
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This is used for viewing DNA on agarose gels and proteins on SDS-PAGE gels.
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The colony counter is used to count bacterial or yeast colonies on agar plates. It can be used to study the effects of drugs on pathogens.
For example, one student examined the effect of silver nanoparticles on the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans.
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The PXi imaging system can be used to detect proteins by western blotting and fluorescent molecules such as the green fluorescent protein.
Projects that it has been used for include detecting protein expression levels in different types of cancer and measuring the effects of aluminium-containing deodorants on cell growth and DNA mutation.
Click on the images below to see what these look like.
htmlText_06E77CE5_09FB_793B_419B_B41891390A41.html =
Microscopes can be used for studying tissues, cells and other microscopic particles.
They have been used in student research projects to study:
• differences in lipid accumulation in free-range and organic porcine liver
• effects of drugs on cell division
• occurrence of Gram-negative bacteria and Gram-positive bacteria on surfaces
• incidence of microplastics in Blue Mussels
Click on the slides below to see what these look like.
htmlText_0982FB20_193D_C6AF_41A4_6ED2CA2EA338.html =
This is one of the student research project labs. During their course, we help our students to design a research project on a topic that they are interested in. Click on the different pieces of equipment to find out what they do and how they can be used in a research project.
Basic Lab Training
htmlText_0AB09D15_0500_17BC_4191_4B6036569E17.html =
The plate reader can be used to measure absorbance of light in 96-well plates. This can be used to screen drugs against microorganisms or cancerous cell lines.
The plate reader can also be used for ELISA assays which use antibodies to measure the concentration of biomolecules. For example, measuring levels of stress hormone cortisol, or cotinine, a break down product from nicotine.
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Agarose gel electrophoresis is used to analyse the size of DNA samples.
It can be used in gene cloning projects or projects which analyse the presence of different genes within a population.
htmlText_E4FBE9A8_F59D_B75B_41D6_9F2E26CE2B12.html =
SDS-PAGE is a technique used to separate proteins according to size. It can be used for analysing mixtures of proteins extracted from tissues, or recombinant proteins that have been overexpressed and purified.
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The thermal cycler is used to run polymerase chain reactions which synthesise DNA. It can be used for gene cloning projects or for detecting different forms of genes in a population of people.
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The spectrophotometer measures absorbance of light of different wavelengths. It can be used to monitor growth of bacterial or yeast cells or for enzyme assays.
For example, one student measured alkaline phosphatase activity in mouse tissues to determine whether it plays a role in bone development.
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The shaking incubator can be used to grow bacteria or yeast in liquid culture. This can be used to test the effects of drugs on pathogens or to grow bacteria for making recombinant proteins.
Proteins that students have synthesised include enzymes, proteins involved in cancer cell signalling and the green fluorescent protein.
### Title window_0274649A_1E4B_A35A_41B9_80A76B84485E.title = Colony Counter window_1CA0554C_12AD_5E31_4193_9FF7A3A46F99.title = Microfuge window_1D49E7FF_12B5_CE08_4182_6B93ECCA55D5.title = Benchtop Centrifuge window_1D9CB242_12AC_C17D_41B0_AD2070AB0E46.title = ELISA Plate Reader window_681AECA4_7D47_806D_41D0_8A71A4EEA733.title = Shaking Incubator window_693E8740_7D47_8025_41D1_E2CCEADF491F.title = Spectrophotometer window_69F35331_7D49_8069_41D2_158B69D089A2.title = pH meter window_6B7DB2F4_7D49_81EF_41D6_3C8E110928DF.title = Fume Hood window_6C250E18_7D46_802E_41DE_EE93E5DBCA9C.title = Gel Doc window_6C6CC450_7D59_8024_41C5_0DCF2C9CBDF0.title = VR Lab Tour: Welcome! window_6CA00AB5_7D4B_8067_41B4_0B87C044F278.title = qPCR Machine window_6DA9D086_7D5B_8023_41BD_AF2DFDC01A17.title = DNA Agarose Gel Tank window_6DAB28BC_7D59_8061_41D1_1FA1EDEA9954.title = Thermal Cycler window_6E1E00F3_7D5E_81E0_4184_7CB2251670BA.title = Microscope window_6E3B8746_7D5F_8020_41D3_4FE7E473B91E.title = Balance window_6F0FE721_7D5A_8063_41CD_2BDB07EBF9B2.title = SDS-PAGE Gel Tank window_6F394236_7D49_8062_41D3_71DDD92A49C7.title = PXi Imaging System window_6F544460_7D5F_80E0_41D8_7BB678A95301.title = Benchtop Autoclave ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_01A6A779_11B6_E8A0_41A7_C0F9DADFDF2E.toolTip = Back to Start ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_367AABD4_1E4A_E573_41BB_EF7CCC29D2CC.source = https://www.worcester.ac.uk/courses/forensic-and-applied-biology-bsc-hons.aspx LinkBehaviour_380EED34_1E4E_5D33_41AA_737F6E23C2E5.source = https://www.worcester.ac.uk/courses/biomedical-science-bsc-hons LinkBehaviour_3856889A_1E4B_E3F4_41B2_73E2683EBCD3.source = https://www.worcester.ac.uk/courses/medical-sciences-bsc-hons LinkBehaviour_38CFB134_1E4F_E533_41AE_C7F4F515B759.source = https://www.worcester.ac.uk/courses/biology-bsc-hons-2021